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Calvary road christian school Blogs

Resurrection Jesus edited

When “Empty” has Full Meaning

As we approach Resurrection Sunday, we would like to put before you a school story that brings a different, and a deeper, meaning to the word ‘empty’. You may likely have seen this story (or a similar version) before. Nonetheless, it clearly underscores how God can use what society might

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virtual learning edited

Failure Is an Option…And It Is Necessary

Recently a series of observations were made by teachers who conduct virtual learning across various school districts. They began to discover some patterns and behaviors that were disturbing. Now before we get into the specifics, it is a given that parents want their children to succeed. They will necessarily get

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Looking into the Uncertainty blog

Looking into the Uncertainty of 2021

We are a few weeks into the New Year. Depending on how you look at it, so has a new decade. As many do this time of year, we usually take stock in a number of things. How am I doing in meeting my various responsibilities? How am I doing

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Help Me Blog Post Image

Help Me

If you are engaging in television entertainment much these days (safe to say this is something that most of us are doing, given the prevailing pandemic conditions and the resulting shut-in experiences we are having), you are very likely stumbling across Christmas and other holiday-themed movies right now. This can

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discussion edited

Principled Civility: A Necessary Pursuit for the Times

God created each one of us uniquely…with talents and abilities that we can use to serve Him in His creation. With this uniqueness comes individual thoughts and, guess what…opinions. Opinions that others may disagree with and some with which we may hold disagreement. That is a fundamental part of the

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Integrity Trust edited

Integrity: Raisin Bran vs Wheaties

Not long ago, a staff pastor of a church was reflecting on an experience he had as a young boy as he watched his father serve in full time ministry. One of the roles his father served in was as a chaplain who would speak to professional sports teams. This

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Resiliency - Vital for Thriving

Resiliency – Vital for Thriving

The school year is beginning. As a parent, you are navigating waters that you never expected to face. You are having to deal with and address issues that, a year ago, were unheard of and unforeseen. You are having to plan your time for work, home, and school in a

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Prohibit Covid 19 Blog Image

Looking Away from Covid-19

To use a phrase that describes the overwhelming significance of an event or challenge, “Covid-19 has taken all of the oxygen out of the room”. If you look around at the daily flow of news and information, to say that Covid-19 and related stories dominate the news would be a

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To Bury or To Cherish a Memory Blog

The Memory: To Bury…or To Cherish

Memory…it is an elusive thing. One moment you find yourself struggling to recall something. You try and try and, for whatever reason, you just cannot recapture what you are trying to remember.  The next moment, with what seems to be without any effort whatsoever, what you were struggling to recall

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unique easter image

A Unique Easter

We enter this Easter experiencing an environment that is anathema to what we as humans, at least most of us, desire. That of gathering together, being close, and comforting each other. Instead, due to the current COVID-19 health issue that we continue to grapple with, we are compelled to keep

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