January 9 date for Open House is changed to January 16

Admission at Calvary Road Christian School

Tuition and Fees


All tuition and extended care payments are direct-debited once (the 5th) or twice (the 5th & 20th) a month for 10 months, beginning in August and ending in May, or may be paid in full by August 1st.

Preschool Tuition

(Preschool tuition includes two snacks daily, extended care hours and all educational and enrichment activities)


10 Payments

20 Payments




Elementary Tuition


10 Payments

20 Payments​

First Child




Second Child




Third Child




EXTENDED CARE for Kindergarten – Grade 6



10 Payments

20 Payments​

First Child




Second Child




Third Child






10 Payments

20 Payments​

First Child




Second Child




Third Child






10 Payments

20 Payments​

First Child




Second Child




Third Child





Non-Refundable Registration/Materials Fee): $475.00

Returning students who re-register before Jan. 31st: $425

All field trips included in Registration Fee with the exception of the 5th & 6th grade retreat.

All tuition and extended care payments are direct – debited on a 10 monthly payment (5th of month) or a 20 semi – monthly payment (5th and 20th of month) schedule from a designated bank account beginning in August and ending in May, or may be paid in full for the school year by August 1st. Options are also available to pay by credit card for an additional fee.


Tuition is based on an annual rate payable in 10 monthly installments. All tuition and extended care payments are direct-debited on a default schedule of a 10 monthly payment (5th of month) or a 20 semi-monthly payment (5th and 20th of month) schedule from a designated bank account or credit card. When paying by credit card, an additional fee, calculated by the credit card company, will apply. The standard tuition payment cycle commences in August and ends in May. If a student is enrolled after the start of the school year, a prorated payment schedule will be applied for the remaining of the school year.

  • When a family submits their registration fee a student, a spot is reserved for that child for the entire school year and that full tuition will be paid if the child remains in school the entire year. We do not give credit for missed days of school due to illness or inclement weather.

  • If the first tuition payment which is due on August 5th is not received, CRCS reserves the right to cancel the child’s enrollment and enroll the next available applicant in his/her place.

  • The August 5th tuition payment is non-refundable if the student is withdrawn from school after August 1st.

  • If a child needs to be withdrawn prior to the end of the school year, parents must submit written notice of the withdrawal through the submission of a withdrawal form available through the school office. Once the withdrawal form is submitted, the business office will calculate any remaining payments based on the withdrawal date. Failure to provide written submission of withdrawal will result in additional tuition costs.

  • If students are absent for purposes of vacation or other reasons during the school year, tuition is still due and payable during the time the child is absent.

  • If a child is absent for an extended period of time (over three days), parents will notify the school to make them aware of the extended absence.

  • If a parent takes their child out temporarily and does not notify the school and the school cannot contact the parent, or the bill is no longer current (whichever occurs first), the school reserves the right to withdraw the child after he/she has been absent for one (1) week and register another child in his/her place.

  • If a parent arrives late to pick up a child from afternoon extended care which closes at 6:00 p.m., the parent agrees to pay a late fee as outlined below. If a parent exceeds 5 times in late pickups, parents will be required to discontinue extended care service and agree to pick up their child at 3:15 each day.

  • The following late policy is in effect for children picked up after 6:00 p.m.
    • The first three late occurrences during the school year will result in a fee of $.75 per minute.
    • The fourth through fifth late occurrences during the school year will result in a fee of $1.50 per minute.
    • The sixth occurrence will result in a fee of $1.50 per minute plus dismissal from the extended care program.

  • Tuition, extended care fees, and other school fees will be direct-debited from a designated bank account or credit card per school policy; otherwise payment will be made in full for annual tuition, extended care, and other school fees in full.

  • The school reserves the right to cancel a child’s enrollment and enroll another child in his/her place if the first tuition payment is not received on time.

  • The school reserves the right to suspend a child’s attendance at school if the family’s tuition account becomes more than 30 days delinquent.

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TUESDAY, February 11, based on the inclement weather forcast, CRCS will close at NOON. This applies to both elementary and preschool. NO LUNCHES WILL BE SERVED. All students MUST BE picked up by NOON.